I have always loved holidays. Mainly, because it gets everyone together, I also happen to enjoy the yummy food that usually accompanies the festivities! Christmas was always my favorite. My older sisters, Terrianne and Jeanine were out of the house by the time I was born, so it was just me, Tricia and Christine on Christmas Eve. My mother always dressed us in matching pajamas and we all slept cuddled in one bed. We tried to stay up as late as we possibly could so that we might hear Santa's sleigh or something else miraculous. We sometimes siked ourselves out and really believed that we heard rustling on our rooftop (mind you, we have NO chimney! so I don't know how Santa would get down!).
The next morning we couldn't get our parents up fast enough. Then the dreaded wait at the top of the stairs, waiting for my parents to get the video camera set up JUST RIGHT. Every year, the same thing and every year it felt like a MILLION hours passed by before they finally said "Okay girls, time to come down".
After the rush and craziness of opening all of our presents, we went down the block. My Aunt, Uncle and cousin live two houses away from us. Every year we would make Christmas breakfast and eat as a large, extended family. Around 2-3 in the afternoon my older sisters came over, and it was like Christmas all over again.
Growing up now, seeing that Christmas is not the awe inspiring holiday it used to be is kind of depressing. I still love Christmas but it's just not the same. I can't wait to have my own kids one day, because I think then it will start to be exciting again. I love watching my niece and nephews open gifts and talk about Santa Claus. Holidays were so amazing and magical when you were little and just believed!
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