As much as it sucks living with a chronic disease, I am very comfortable in this role. There aren't too many people that I would actually trade places with, if it were possible. However, one person I definitely would like to trade with is my older sister Christine. Not only has Christine been my role model since I was a little girl, she is an amazing sister and one of my bestest friends. My sister Christine is amazing. She deals with such a full plate, and still always has a smile on her face and she always seems to put everyone else's needs before her own. She has been like the energizer bunny ever since I can remember. Even now, as a wife and mother of two little boys, she holds down not only one full-time job, but she teaches lectures to PA students and she is taking classes online to further her degree.
Her drive and commitment have always inspired me. I'd like to see what it was actually like to juggle everything she has going on. I also would like to see what it was like to be a PA (Physician Assistant). I am in the medical field, so seeing a different side of the medical model would definitely be interesting.
I would also LOVE to be around my nephews for more than just a few hours. I am not sure that I will ever have children, so being in her shoes for a little while would be amazing. My niece and nephews mean the world to me.
That is very sweet! I wish I had a sister like that (i just have a brother...not that he is great, but i've always dreamed of having a sister);
I am also going to try to be a RN nurse as a NICU anesthitist and was wondering if you could add me as a friend on Facebook! Brandon is the name flyboy3227@gmail.com
Hope to hear from you soon!
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