Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Study drug visit, IV antibiotics, and Bone Density - OH MY!

So yesterday I headed into the city for another Vertex study drug visit. The visit consisted of PFT's, blood work, EKG, a sweat test then I was given a meal and 30 minutes later I took the Vertex pill. I've been sick for a few weeks now with this lingering cough and I'm on vacation from work for a week so my doctor and I decided to start home IV's. I'm definitely not sick enough where I need to be hospitalized. This is more of a "tune-up" I would say. So my sister accessed my port the other day and last night I began what I hope is only two weeks of IV meds. Here's to beating the change of weather and staying healthy!!

Yesterday after the study visit was over, I stayed and talked to my doctor. There are a bunch of new things that I am going to begin in hopes to improve my lung function and over all well being. For starters, I am going to start acupuncture again and make sure that I make it there every week so I can feel the full effect. I started last year - but my insurance at the time didn't cover it - and to be honest I couldn't afford what it cost plus the hassle of getting into the city every week. I did feel it helped though, so I am going to give it another go! My doctors offices are finally moving across town into a new building and she said there's an amazing gym there and a fabulous pulmonary rehab that I would probably benefit greatly from. I am going to try and schedule both acupuncture and pulmomary rehab on the same day so I can just make a day of it in the city once a week!

Next week I am finally going for a bone density scan. I regret that I haven't gone earlier because I really feel that I have some issues now. I have random bouts where my hands and feet just lock up. If I'm holding something tiny, such as a pen my hand usually drops it. Whatever this is - I want to get to the bottom of it - because it hurts like a bitch when it happens and it can really affect my career.

Oh and I ordered the new washable vest, in PINK of course! Can't wait til it's here - I'll put up some pictures!

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