Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PFTs = 95% =) HOLLLA!

I was actually stressing myself out over today's appointment. The past month I definitely haven't been AS great with my working out routine as I had been during previous visits so I was a little anxious that I would see a decline in my PFT's, X-RAY etc. As of April 1st I have gotten myself back on the exercising everyday band wagon. I have printed out inspirational pictures and hung them over my treadmill.

If this little boy isn't the biggest motivator ever, I don't know what is. You really don't have any excuses after looking at him, running with a huge smile on his face! All the worrying however was for nothing. My PFT's have increased and are the highest that they have been post-transplant, and I honestly think EVER in my life ... my fev1 is 95%!!! That's with slacking on the treadmill. I keep thinking if I am consistent with working out .. I wonder what they could be at my next appointment next month!! I have also printed out a calendar and am filling in the miles that I run/walk daily - I think seeing how far I am going is a really good motivator as well! I don't want to see any blank days!!
I am so incredibly thankful to my donor. It is National Organ Donation Awareness month and I really want to help get the word out about how amazing organ donation can be .. I am volunteering at a table on friday to spread some awareness and hopefully recruit some new donors!!
I'm also back to work!! I am going through orientation right now .. but it feels amazing to actually have a job again and be part of the working class! I am just working on a per diem basis right now .. to slowly get back into the routine - but I think that I'll be ready to go back to full-time status again soon!! Either that - or continue per diem and go back to school to start my masters! Decisions, decisions!!


Sherri said...

Katy, it is stories like yours that give me hope that life after transplant can be good. It is such a scary proposition to be faced with knowing that not all go as well as we would like. I'm so excited for your amazing pft's and continued good health. Happy Easter :)

George aka Sprog said...

so good to read a positive and uplifting blog, i have cystic fibrosis and im currently waiting for a double lung transplant, im from london, uk, wish you all the best for the future and your so beautiful xx