Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I got the call and it was a GO!

This isn't a long message - I just wanted to let you all know that after 18 days in the hospital I am now home with my brand new lungs!! I am forever grateful to my donor and donor's family for giving me a second chance at life. I haven't felt this good in YEARS! 11/11/11 at 11:11pm I received a call from my transplant center telling me that they had a match for me. From then on, it's all kind of a big blur to me. I was in the hospital for 18 days, and I am finally home!!

Please keep my amazing friend Kristy in your prayers, as she really needs a call to come as soon as possible!


Brianne Houston said...

So friends post about you getting lungs I didn't make the connection that the person they were posting pictures of and talking about was you!! I'm so excited for you darling. I was just going through my blog and read the comment you had left me not to long ago giving me advice to stand up to the doctors cause I know how I feel best. I'm so excited for you and your new lungs! I'm gonna find you on facebook (: I got you get to feel amazing soon.

Sherri said...

Katy, I've been following your blog for awhile and I am so happy for you. Sounds like your recovery is going great...keep it up! Enjoy those lungs.