Yes ladies and gentleman, I am officially engaged and the soon to be Mrs. Joseph Monte! I can honestly say that I think my proposal was the best ever - it couldn't have been more perfect!!
I woke up yesterday morning 4/16/2012 and at 7:30am was a little confused to see my cousin Erin in my living room. She had a gift bag from Joey - that had a letter detailing what my day was going to be like! I thought I was just going to have a special birthday celebration - little did I know what this boy has been planning for god who knows how long!! A limo picked Erin and I up at my house and brought us into the city where I met with a personal shopper that we know at Barney's. Joey told me to treat myself to a new outfit for dinner and a pair of shoes (not just your run of the mill shoes, Christian Louboutin's if I pleased!). After finding a fabulous dress, Erin and I had lunch at Fred's, the restaurant in Barney's. The limo then brought me to the Carlyle hotel, where I said goodbye to Erin and headed up to the Salon. I had my hair, makeup and nails done. Joey then met me and escorted me back to our hotel room, where we were upgraded to a suite with two bathrooms, a kitchen and a PIANO! I got ready and we took a stroll to Central Park. He informed me that the restaurant was in Central Park. We walked down the stairs and stopped in front of the Bethesda Fountain, "looking" for the restaurant .. then he grabbed my hands and turned me towards him, professing his love for me and before I knew it, he was down on one knee! People started to clap, and then my friend Melanie who is an amazing photographer came out from the tunnel and informed me that Joey asked her to capture our special moment! He knew that I wanted my engagement in pictures so that I could always remember it. It was perfect and then ring - beyond my wildest dreams! We then had a little photo shoot before we took off for dinner. I still had no clue where we were eating. We had only called our mother's, he told me that dinner was going to be very private and we could make the rest of the phone calls there. Dinner ended up being at Carmine's - and our families were both there! It was absolutely perfect. We are both extremely close with our families, so having them there to share our special moment was amazing!! After dinner we said our goodbyes and Joey and I went to a rooftop bar at the Peninsula Hotel - the view was breathtaking. We stayed the evening at the hotel - and when we returned there were rose petals leading to the bedroom and shaped in a heart on the bed .. and a bottle of champagne and desserts to congratulate us!
The location also could not have been more perfect. It was a beautiful, sunny day in April - 86 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Flowers starting to bloom all around the park. It was gorgeous. He proposed in front of the fountain because of what the fountain stands for. It is a large angel sculpture looking down on the fountain with four little cherubs which represent health, purity, temperance and peace. He thought it was very appropriate considering all that I have been through in the last year!
I will never forget this day for the rest of my life. Every single thing was perfect - Joey planned everything to a "T"! I am going to marry my best friend. I am living and breathing with amazing new lungs and life seriously could not be any sweeter!